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Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

<olmap id=“olMapOne” width=“550px” height=“450px” lat=“47.271” lon=“-2.212” zoom=“16” statusbar=“1” controls=“1” poihoverstyle=“0” baselyr=“OpenStreetMap” gpxfile=“” kmlfile=“” geojsonfile=“” summary=“” > ~~ Plugin olmap help. ~~ Required in the above tag are values for: id (unique on this page), width, heigth. ~~ Also you will want to enter zoomlevel and lat, lon values that make sense for where you want the map to start.

~~ Below is an example of a POI, you can add as many as you want. ~~ More examples: http://dokuwiki.org/plugin:openlayersmap

47.271335,-2.212555,-90,.8,marker-green.png,Hantre du Gris; Le Gris
external link: bricoles.du-libre.org
internal link: test2
Yop Gris 47.271345,-2.213555,-70,.8,marker-green.png,Hantre du Vert; Le Vert
external link: bricoles.du-libre.org
internal link: test2
Yop Vert

</olmap> 47.271335N 2.212555W

Le code:

olmap id="olMap" width="600px" height="400px" lat="52.0" lon="5.1" zoom="12" statusbar="1" toolbar="1" controls="1" poihoverstyle="1" baselyr="OpenStreetMap" gpxfile=":playground:hardlopen_gpx.gpx" geojsonfile=":playground:test.gsojson" kmlfile=":playground:mtb.kml" summary="This map shows a gpx trace, a kml trace and a dot">

52.1,5.1,60,.8,marker-green.png,Just a spot

*     id The identifyer of the map (this needs to be a valid CSS/XHTML identifier as well as a valid JavaScript variable) eg. olmap.
* width The width of the map, default is 400px.
* height The height of the map, default is 300px.
* zoom The zoom level, default value 12. Valid values depend on the map and location and must be integer.
* controls Whether or not to show controls for zooming and panning on the map. Valid values are on and off, default on.
* statusbar Defines if the statusbar is shown. Valid values are 1 or 0, default 1 (on).
* poihoverstyle Specifies POI feature select behaviour (hover or click). Valid values are 1 or 0, default 0 (click), for reasons of accessibility using hover is dicouraged.
* lat The latitude of map centre in decimal degrees (WGS84), negative values are south of the equator, valid values range from -90.0 to 90.0.
* lon The longitude of map centre in decimal degrees (WGS84), negative values are west of Greenwich, valid values range from -180.0 to 180.0.
* baselyr The basemap layer that is shown when the map opens. Valid values are: OpenStreetMap, transport, landscape, cycle map, hike and bike map, mapquest road, mapquest sat, google relief, google sat, google hybrid, google road, bing road, bing sat or bing hybrid. (note that for some of the non-open maps you need the API key/URL as well)
* gpxfile any GPX file, use the media manager to retrieve the location
* kmlfile any KML file, use the media manager to retrieve the location
* geojsonfile any GeoJSON file, use the media manager to retrieve the location
* summary A description of the map.
  • The Points of Interest are formatted: lat, lon, rotation-angle, opacity, image, textforpopup
tests/start.1458930498.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2024/02/09 16:55 (modification externe)